Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Doc, I think I have a fever...

I am getting the baby fever. BAD!

I was just getting used to sleeping a good 6 hours straight.

My youngest, Luke is starting to potty train so soon it will be good-bye diapers!

I just went through all of our baby stuff and goodwilled everything.

Why oh why has my mind tried to convince me to have another baby? I jokingly tell Rich all the time that I would have another one in a heartbeat if he could guarantee me a girl.

Of course there are NO guarantees in life.

Gosh what in the hell would I do with another BOY??!!?? Of course I would love love love him, but (and mothers of boys can sympathize with me) boys can drain just about every ounce of you. At least my boys do. There's no sitting down and playing with hair, learning to accessorize, or painting toenails. Its down on the floor playing cars, running around the house trying to solve the mystery, or wrestling.

So if we are going to try for another one, we will start trying in June. So I have till then to make up my mind. Lord help me!

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