Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Home stretch

So I have almost made it. I am in my last week of class right now and then I start my externship. Then I am DONE!!! I am hoping to get placed at a fertility clinic and then impress them so much that they will want to hire me. I am just feeling so impatient right now. I don't want to go to class anymore, I just want to be done. And out there working. And making some money. Am I asking for too much? hahaha

But the thing I am worried about most is putting the boys in daycare. I have been a stay at home mom since Eddie was born (almost 3 1/2 years ago-YIKES!) so the thought of someone else doing my job terrifies me! Really who can do it better than me? LOL. I think Eddie will be cool, he is looking forward to making some friends and having kids his age to play with. Its Luke that really worries me. He's a momma's boy so I don't know how he will do without me all day. I am sure that things will go fine, I just worry. Hey I'm a mom, its in the job description!

So almost done. I am really proud of myself. Currently I have a 3.7 GPA and I am sure that will go up after this class is done so I might actually graduate with high honors. Go me! Seriously I was never the student that cared about my grades, as long as I passed I was cool. So I am proud that I have stuck to it and totally rocked it out!

1 comment:

Heather@WHMB said...

Yay Courtney! That is so awesome and good for you for sticking to it, with such good grades too.

Not going to lie, the first few days of daycare will SUCK, and you will most likely drive away with tears. But in no time at all they are adjusted just fine and practically can't wait to get to their classroom to play. :)