Monday, August 16, 2010

Dance like no ones watching

I had the best date night Saturday with these two guys!

Its funny how, for someone who is always self reflecting, I can learn life's lessons from a 4 year old.

We went and saw Despicable Me Saturday night. Cute movie, it was funny and those little minions were adorable! The boys laughed, I got a little teary eyed. It was a good time.

But it was at the end of the movie when the credits were rolling and the music was playing that my sweet little 4 year old boy reminded me on of the best life lessons. Eddie is usually a shy boy, of course unless he knows you. Then he's willing to do whatever act you ask him to perform. But in the company of strangers, he gets too embarrassed. Well not Saturday. My boy was loving the music so much, that he got out in the aisle and started shaking his booty.

Me embarrassed you ask? Of course not. Because my boy was out there dancing like no one was watching. Even though EVERYONE was watching, thinking he was the cutest thing ever. Yep that's my boy.

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