Thursday, April 29, 2010

An apology

Ok so yesterdays post may have been a little confusing to some. My only meanings behind writing that post yesterday was to get out what was on my mind.

I am not in a relationship with anyone. If I do get into a relationship with someone, it will take some time for me to build up my trust with the person before I allow that kind of physical relationship. Because I feel its important to have that trust with your partner and getting that trust built up takes some time.

Let me also claify that my current needs are not causing me to run out and try to find my next husband. I am open to meeting people as of right now. But I believe that you can't plan things like love, it just happens to you. So if it happens, it happens. But I am not searching for THE ONE. He will find me. I actually feel we will be brought together when the time is right.

Oh and one more thing, I don't think that coming up to the age of 28 is old by any means. Nor do I even think that my scary age of 37 is old. For me, there is just SO much that I want to accomplish by the age of 37 so I can start to slow down. Plus at 37 my boys will be teenagers and that alone is SCARY!

So I apologize if I gave anyone the wrong impression with my blog yesterday. I just think its silly that finally after 28 years of life, I am starting to feel that need that everyone else around me has been going through since we were 12. That was all I was intending to write and sometimes my silly mind takes me elsewhere.

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